Bean Validation 2.0 - What’s in it?
While a couple of months have passed since Bean Validation 2.0 got released, the info about what’s new in the spec may still not yet have reached everyone. Here are two presentations which I wanted to share in order to help with that.
The first one is the slide set of the talk on Bean Validation 2.0 and JSR 380 which I did at JavaOne 2017:
You can also download a PDF with these slides from Speaker Deck here.
While the JavaOne session was not recorded, my quickie session on the same topic at Devoxx 2017 luckily was. In just 14:17 min you’ll get an overview on the new spec revision. It’s lots of contents for the short amount of time, but you can pause and rewind as often as you like ;)
You got feedback on these presentations or just have a general question around Bean Validation? Then let us know by adding a comment below or sending a message to the Bean Validation mailing list.
While at the moment no work on the spec itself is going on, we’re eager to explore new features in the reference implementation. So if there’s something which you think should be added in a future spec revision, it’s the perfect time to get in touch so we can begin to experiment with these things.
Your feature requests (and pull requests) will be highly welcomed!
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